From the recording Birthday

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Toula’s Sakoula

Toula, Toula, Toula what’s in your handbag?
Toula, Toula, Toula what’s in your handbag?
Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!
To you! To you! To you!
Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!
To you! To you! To you!
Do you have two beans in your handbag?

Toula, Toula, Toula give me your handbag
Toula, Toula, Toula give me your handbag
No! No! No!
One-eyed little hooligan
No! No! No!
Black cat
Now I will catch you and now I will boil you
Tou - la
Tou - la
Tou - la!
Tou - la!
Tou - la!
Tou - la!
Toula, what do you have inside your handbag?